Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Corpo Astral

Raves on the rock? São o leite ninho da kids. Maybe let it be, but the buts gonna down. We're hear, know. Can a shortes tales, Miller. Buby damned. There she is too short for a tale. Then I was duty and Up to load, and I just don't want anymore. It's a simple plain to me. Is your kids, is my degree. Have a half palm top. Dust a wind wild blow Up to load. Thats all easy now. You never come back. Never and I am crying. I don't have you. I don't have Russia. I knew a short lassion, it's me. I not going to be cruel. No cigarrets let me be. I don't want, I just dance. These month reported, to let it blow. You are wrong, my appearance never agree. And Tarcila never shines here. I do like, of that trubles won't be my incandecent breese. But unchain you fly eyeline piagent, say why, cut eyes. I am unsurted girl burned at the first seas that I decend. Mirror, are you when I ask? Mirror say not Shane. I ask to you, does we have said pay back. Me sequence voccals i-kiss moi! Are you papperwall, isn't this? Unforgiven way of struture the lift that never came to be. Every place that I have follen. I still do the same indicate. That you there lip stick me when I introduce as this place, or the floor of guilt is my chain, know. And you never know. You remember to be?