ALWAYS THE AIR IS DARK WHEN WE ARE communly alone the harder of times gracefull expired from one hour above, because, it isnt only, the people change, twice possibility the kids will sure from the most perfect, but where are perfection, break and fill sentiments with black notes of senses.
The weak at the lives, is handsome inverberative, not discussed, maybe at all tedious, but I feel unkind, of the hem that hability we to go on dreaming to the permanence in the laws a statute that we recriate to survive in worlds passed weaks, we develop a reason to be happy, do beauty of shapes, comunicate in order of this law not to the enmotion less governate.
At the start of the good parade this weak, I don´t stand ups nomore, but in the radio Eldorado they tryng the notice of eight hundreds of consign of the Magna Carta, its not for doing amends, we are a degeneration of a lot of many years with contract to be independent one to others by the diligent of attituds, it is very uncommon receive anyone to the oportunitys to envovent in that cases, of lifes. When we are breath at a more air plum, what can corrupt this royal pollites is always the recipients of right ungratefull of a born.
But that was there other many peaces of unresourch, a evenctual concern of works at the right of living reception, the air is dark of the abition to commit of a court lovely and outstanding, for the air breath at the garden magestic furfill of european coulture changed at lawer, the here. Very bad hours to try understanding what is good when it`s bad we have a sense of compassion with our brasillian people domained of land certain big and good air, brease, accomodatte at out family judge of time, and not a people but a population that love Cristh, that teach with charity to be compassionly. Honorous desire to a frank humans, going on to stand knowledge about`s the gutts inside the godevil benevolence, so so, a desobligad to the govern representaton, and a whore bad position at social comunication, and at the end, people unhappy at the appearence.
Doing what they can to have prestige comprehensive, on what is common by one by one, be compassion at second hand, the degreed of the phisionomie a lot of emotion that the religions church speak very careful to be astonish got the times living, with the receive of founds by the own, the turn back of a few reals money to the church of vatican priest and they could be happy of fellows of a son of the God, the born at the same moment of a waking stand dagging on pronunciation of their situition, and anormal indiferent of the fate of the upcoming villages to these church, harder day and night on a Respect.
The woman holy compassion of her mother is chance from the coust of this pain air to distand the possibilization of devolv the hope to ours mundiale lives, but the mother is not to much, shes maybe isn`t so holy, the gracefull from the capital from this states at brasil democracie it the must of interventions all the end of all days, the compassion is the most autorith sentiment of this girls not womans but entirily needin` mens. Hope to her have found some compassion on their mothers, that the joy Jesus Cristh told to the mundiale lives as compassion such compassive to the work hours of the mind degenerated of values at zone to mastering the independent joy of life.
and compassion from ours friend gathering at this mundo of streets that support the cohierent of be in home a dignity point supreme to renew the force to call beuthiful times together and more foods cooked, tv freeworld, internet, industry machine by the mobile that degenerets alll the time by succed in this moment care on in the target that can be happy time, this pearls lacs, the orchid tenses notes after the suncraise, can be a giant pleasure and never a unjoin system to have passion by ordinary sentiments.